
Barbara Erysian (Writer/Producer) is the mother of three and holds a Master’s Degree in Mathematics from the University of Oregon. She has been teaching math at the community college level since 1990.

This story laid on her heart for more than forty years. Although she’s never made a film, Barbara’s dedicated to telling this story to the widest possible audience. Her dream is that her great, great, great grandchildren will know and remember these tragic events of the past and know how hope can be found in the darkest places.

Manuel “Max” Freedman (Writer/Director/Producer) has, for many years, run his Max Freedman Media (MFM) and its MFM Productions division in Los Angeles. The company produces, writes screenplays, and coaches other screenwriters. It develops and produces a range of projects from big to small budgets.

Max is executive producer on Wait Till Helen Comes (2016). He directed and edited a dozen short films for clients in Silicon Valley. He wrote three books on desktop movie making for Adobe Systems as well as wrote, produced, directed and edited a short film for them. Max holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Stanford University.

Max hopes you will become involved in this project to help us keep the Armenian Tragedy from being forgotten by history. We will remember…